19 thoughts on “

  1. It looks like such a lovely day out – such a shame that we don’t really seem to get things like that in London!

  2. Looks wonderful. Although, now that i know they banned dogs, I guess I will not be going. 🙁

    Why did they ban dogs?

  3. glad you could use the pictures! and i hope to see you out there again soon! (this time i will make sure to introduce my self though!)

  4. habitual–
    i don’t know why they decided to ban dogs. i’m guessing they are worried about clean up? or maybe there was an incident with a dog knocking something over…?? it’s too bad. but there were plenty of small dogs being carried, so i think that became the unwritten rule.

  5. hello! i’m amy’s sister in law, just found your blog recently & thought i’d tell you i love your designs :O)

  6. fun photos of the flea! i had such a great time and it was wonderful to meet you 🙂 really loving lines & shapes too.

  7. it was nice to meet you at the flea! and i love my tote. i took it out for a stroll in williamsburg yesterday and I had someone stop and ask if it was a lena corwin.

  8. Yay! My dog is small and she loves to be carried. Win, Win.

    I also was reading their site and saw they plan on having ‘dog sitters’ at the next one. Lol….very sweet.

    Btw- how is Gus doing?

  9. Clyde! Favorite neighborhood dog, he’s awesome.

    Here’s hoping for sunnier/warmer weather at the next Flea. Brr!

  10. i am SO disappointed that i missed your whole booth! how did that happen? GAH! next time! promise!

  11. that pillow is crazy great! is it yours? and i second the prices on blocks bit, i love it.

  12. hi! love your blog! are you at the brooklyn flea every weekend? i know last weekend was kinda cold and overcast so not as full.