last post here for a little while….

i’m working on a huge project that i need to devote all my time too, so i’ve decided to take a blog break for the next couple of months (but i might post now and then if i find some extra time). the project is a book i’m writing on hand printing techniques, that will come out next year. thanks to everyone who checks out my blog, and all your encouraging comments! here’s a little peek at a test print for the book, and i’m excited to be able to share more later on.

36 thoughts on “

  1. fantastic Lena. Happy writing and look forward to see the book!

    we’ll miss you.

  2. we’re going to miss you! good luck with the book and please check in occasionally to let us know how it’s going.

  3. i’ll miss your blog, i’ve enjoyed an (almost )daily dose of inspiration, but look forward to seeing the book….

  4. you’ll be greatly missed lena! but congrats again on the wonderful book- i can’t wait to see it! 🙂


  5. Congratulations! That is such wonderful news. I can’t wait to see it. I’ve been very curious about your hand-printing process, you such beautiful things!
    Take care.

  6. I’ll miss you so much Lena! I can’t wait to check back here in a few months to see how you’re doing. Enjoy your Spring, and your project!


  7. All the best with your book. It makes sense to focus like that, but I’ve got to say I’m really looking forward to your return!

  8. oh lena! the book sounds lovely. hope you enjoy working on it. how exciting! xo shari

  9. i’ll miss your posts but look forward to seeing the book. what a great project! good luck!


  10. lena,

    best wishes for your book project. the glimpse of the print is very tempting! looking forward to more.


  11. where am i supposed to get my inspiration from in the next two months? ;P

    i can’t wait to see your book!


  12. ooh that sounds wonderful lena! best of luck and i will miss your beautiful insight here. best of luck!

  13. i will try to patiently wait for you to return! perhaps we will cross paths when i move to brooklyn!

  14. foxnthesnow–

    if you’re in fort greene and see someone walking a dachshund, stop and say hello!! when are you moving?

  15. i moving in october…and i will say hello to you and your little hot dog!!!

  16. lena!

    your book project sounds amazing and so perfect for you. best of luck – i’m sure it will be a blast!

    will miss your posts, but look forward to seeing the book..


  17. Lena, back in December I was so interested and enthused about the hand-printing you showed on this blog… I had no idea a book was to follow! I can hardly wait to see the book and will definitely be in line for a copy of it when it’s all done. All the best of luck and much fun with it! ~L

  18. A book sure does take some effort and lots of time to make it great. I can’t wait to see yours. Best to you.

  19. how exciting! I can’t wait to see the book. I’ll miss your posts for sure. All the best for you, Lena.

  20. this is a great blog! I really like the things you post and your work!

  21. I am happy to hear that you are working on the book. You have been such an inspiration for my work!

  22. Yes, I remember your blogging the piece. Much appreciated as it introduced me to your inspiration as well! But I dont want to keep you from your book, so all for now!