14 thoughts on “

  1. i love that dress! and cute fabric too. are you going to be sewing some clothes?

  2. yes!
    i have two sewing classes in my studio this month, so i'm learning to sew clothes. these are for a top, tunic, and skirt. very exciting!
    are you in ny yet?

  3. Lena,
    I can't wait to see what you make for yourself!
    I just bought this dress from Totokaelo (on sale & blogged about it) a few days ago. Waiting to get it in the mail!

  4. oh wow what a beautiful dress! i love the pattern and the sleeve details too. very nice fabrics!

  5. i am in new york now. i didn't get internet in my place til yesterday though, and i need to e-mail you! everything is such a mess here, but it's slowly coming together.

    i'm so excited for you that you're learning to sew! i can't wait to see what you make because you're so creative and i adore all your clothes.

  6. i love that plaid fabric you found! hope you share what you make with it.