here is lines & shapes, volume five!

this volume is special because of its all-swedish group of artists. maria and i have been so inspired by the work of many, many artists from sweden, and we were very excited when elisabeth dunker, camilla engman, karin eriksson, sandra juto, and albert sjöstam all agreed to be involved in volume five. the theme is LIGHT (LJUS in swedish) and it just seemed like the right fit for a swedish issue. i love this volume so much, and i can’t stop flipping through it myself…

more photos soon…

5 thoughts on “

  1. Ooo it looks so nice. Do you ever sell the issues separately or only via the subscription?

  2. hi,
    yes you can buy each volume separately– click on the link in my post and on the bottom right corner you will see the buttons for buying a single issue.

  3. I’m so happy! I have often looked at your books and only ever seen the subscription available which I can’t afford as a student but now I can see I can order them separately! Hehe cant wait till it arrives, thanks for pointing that out!