hand drawn patterns by sarah law.
sarah took my textile stamping class, and i was impressed with her pattern design. she’s currently having fabric printed to make production easier for her accessories, but for now you can get one of a kind items in her shop.

12 thoughts on “

  1. these are so fun! i remember drawing on my shoes when i was a kid, so this kind of takes me back. (only, my shoes weren’t quite as “cool”).

  2. Very cool! I love both the bag and the shoes.
    You are going to teach that San Francisco class soon, right 😉 ?

  3. Love her style! Sarah and I were in a class last year together here at Parsons! She is super talented…and her collection was one of my favorites in the Thesis Show! 🙂

    p.s. How are ya Lena!? :[)

  4. I love these!!! I am hoping to take a fibers class sometime in the coming year.

    I love these they are a great inspiration

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