7 thoughts on “

  1. Oh my, the Frida Kahlo exhibit! That’s wonderful, I absolutely love her. Have a splendid time. 😀

  2. Oh my, the Frida Kahlo exhibit! That’s wonderful, I absolutely love her. Have a splendid time. 😀

  3. Oh my, the Frida Kahlo exhibit! That’s wonderful, I absolutely love her. Have a splendid time. 😀

  4. Oh my, the Frida Kahlo exhibit! That’s wonderful, I absolutely love her. Have a splendid time. 😀

  5. Oh my, the Frida Kahlo exhibit! That’s wonderful, I absolutely love her. Have a splendid time. 😀

  6. enjoy and YAY! will you have any copies available at brooklyn flea next week?

  7. i loved the frida exhibition!!! the cultural foundation i work for actually sponsored it when it was shown here in mexico city last year.

    did you see the flying letters room?? it was my favorite part, but i don´t know if the expo. it´s exactly the same as here.