click here to see my new post on the martha stewart bluelines blog. i‘ll be contributing regularly to the freshly re-vamped site. and click here to see all of the contributers.

my posts on bluelines will be similar in content to what i post about here… a little of everything. but i would love to hear suggestions of what to post about there. it would be nice to have a slightly different focus to my posts on bluelines, i just haven’t figured out what that might be yet.

7 thoughts on “

  1. Hi Lena,

    I just found your blog and somehow I feel as if I have met you before but not sure. Have you ever exhibited at Surtex? I lived in Brooklyn for many years in Park Slope and I see you live in Fort Green which was a dangerous neighborhood when I went to Pratt ! I am sure it looks so nice now.

    I too am a textile designer but I also design for all kinds of products. I am thinking about creating products now instead of just licensing my work.

    I will be looking out for your blog and designs, they are wonderful!


  2. Congrats on the Bluelines blog!
    I really love coming to your blog to see the sort of everyday, day in day out aspect you bring to your posts. One thing I’ve really enjoyed here is how you document what inspires you in books and magazines. I think sometimes with all the amazing blogs/websites out there they can be overlooked. Which is weird because it seems pretty obvious. In fact, recently I was at an antique store and was inspired after looking at a post you did about books to look through the old design books section which I’d never done. I found an amazing find and I’m so happy with it. It’s now on my studio shelf. Maybe something along those lines? Good luck. šŸ™‚

  3. Lovely photos and wonderful blog. I’ve been reading it for a while, but have never left a comment. I just got back from Antigua and have been posting my photos on my blog this week too…it’s fun to see the similarities and differences. Congrats on bluelines…I will check it out for sure!